Bastien Lapierre’s webpage
Hi! I am a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, working with Shinsei Ryu. I obtained my PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics from the University of Zürich in 2023, under the supervision of Titus Neupert and Luka Trifunovic.
I aim to theoretically design new phases of quantum matter that emerge both in and out-of-equilibrium, and to understand the universality that underpins them. These include non-equilibrium phases arising in driven, dissipative and monitored quantum critical systems, as well as topological phases unique to strongly disordered matter. I employ various methods from condensed matter and quantum many-body physics to construct concrete models, and explore their phase diagrams and phase transitions.
Some questions that I am currently investigating include:
- What are universal heating and scrambling features of driven critical systems? [1, 2, 3]
- Can quasiperiodic time evolution stabilize new phases of matter?
- Can a fully localized insulator be topological? [4]
- Can one hear the shape of a quantum Hall droplet? [5]
You can find my publications on the arXiv and on Google Scholar.
You can contact me at blapierre(at)